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 New Aggressive Growth Offerings at AP Denver Thumbnail

New Aggressive Growth Offerings at AP Denver

As part of our ongoing effort to provide our clients with all of the tools and resources to meet their financial goals, we are introducing two new strategies managed by outside firms to complement our existing diversified portfolios at American Portfolios Denver.

Both of these portfolio offerings, Andersen Capital Management Weather Mark Strategy and Zacks Focus Growth, are Aggressive Growth strategies. While they have different processes for portfolio construction, both are focused on maximizing returns and are appropriate only for those with high risk tolerance.

Andersen Capital Management Weather Mark investment philosophy is based on the observation that market inefficiencies exist between fixed income and equity valuation techniques. The strategy seeks to identify these inefficiencies and select equity investment opportunities to pursue long term capital appreciation. Weather Mark employs a combination of formal quantitative screening followed by bottom-up fundamental analysis, unconstrained by market capitalization and style that results in a high conviction, go anywhere portfolio. The Weather Mark strategy consists of a concentrated portfolio with fewer holdings.

Zacks Focus Growth Strategy seeks to invest in large-cap stocks with high projected earnings growth to provide stronger returns than the Russell 1000 Growth Index. They use a quantitative investment process to create a diversified portfolio of 50-100 holdings of growth oriented stocks with a large-cap bias. They do regular rebalancing to sell and replace stocks that are underperforming their metrics.

Included are additional details about the Weather Mark and Zacks Focus Growth portfolios. If you would like to learn more about these or other investment options available at American Portfolios Denver, do not hesitate to contact us. As always, we believe that a portfolio that is appropriate to your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon is an essential part of your financial plan.

Zacks Focus Growth Strategy Factsheet Q4 2024 (1.00%) Q1 2025 newsletter.pdf

ACM - Weather Mark FactSheet 4Q2024.pdf